Co-located with eCommerce Expo

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London


Jeremy Stern

Jeremy Stern

Chief Executive, PromoVeritas Ltd
  • Jeremy Stern has had a major and long lasting impact on the UK marketing profession that has benefited both brands and consumers.
  • The company that he founded, PromoVeritas, has almost singlehandedly, raised the standards by which brands of all type and size run their prize promotions and by so doing has increased the public trust in brands and marketing in general. He has made compliance interesting and easy.
  • He saw a gap and turned it into a successful business. PromoVeritas, the independent promotional compliance service, now runs thousands of campaigns a year for hundreds of clients and employs 50+ staff
  • They provide the honesty and integrity that can sometimes be missing from marketing campaigns
  • Clients literally range from A to Z, Amazon and American Express and ASOS to Zeal.
  • Is the Go To person/company for many of the world’s biggest brands- PromoVeritas works with 53 out of the Top 100 UK Brands (source; The Grocer) and runs campaigns in over 80 countries
  • Winner of numerous awards including in July 2024, the prestigious King’s Award for Enterprise
  • Has made the use of PromoVeritas a mark of quality, a seal of approval, by both consumers and marketers.
  • Has stayed true to himself. Always calm, always a friendly smile or has a useful tip or alternate approach to a problem.

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