Claire Ferreira
In February 2020, Claire Ferreira was sacked from a marketing job, where during her employment, she had battled sleep deprivation, loss of confidence and feelings of imposter syndrome. Despite having 20 years of marketing experience, Claire recognised how hard it was to be open about what she didn’t know. After plenty of snotty crying, she decided that no other ‘Mum in Marketing’ should ever feel like she had. That they would not have to feel alone, worry about confidence or feel like they couldn’t keep up. The crying stopped and an online community was created on Facebook. The response was incredible, with thousands of amazing women joining from across the globe to support each other and create change together. Claire is award-winning in recognition of her achievements and she delivers workshops on building community on and offline. She often asked to speak, and has supported events and awards such as Future is Female, Festival of Marketing and Advertising Week Europe.
18-Sep-2024Leadership ProgrammeWomen’s Networking Lunch: Building strong networks for success
18-Sep-2024Campaign ManagementHow to be a confident Marketer
18-Sep-2024Leadership ProgrammeWomen’s Networking Lunch: Building strong networks for success