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11 Dec 2023

Elevating Your Website to Replicate the Intimate In-Store Experience

Elevating Your Website to Replicate the Intimate In-Store Experience

Replicating an intimate in-store customer experience on digital platforms has become a pivotal focus for brands. Josh Dawe, Martech Lead at French Bedroom, unravelled the nuances of achieving this digital transformation in a recent Technology for Marketing session. The session explored the essential MarTech strategies that can elevate a website to not only understand customer intent but also deliver a personalised, immersive, and emotionally resonant online shopping experience.


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In this session:

1. Translating In-Store Experience to Digital Realms

Dawe's presentation commenced with a stark acknowledgment of the challenge at hand – translating the intimate in-store shopping experience into the digital realm. Central to this challenge is the imperative to understand customer intent, a cornerstone for creating personalised online experiences.

2. Recognising Returning Visitors and Tailoring Experiences

The session shed light on the significance of recognising returning visitors, leveraging data to understand individual preferences, and tailoring online experiences based on distinct buyer profiles. Dawe posited that these digital practices can offer even more value than their physical counterparts in brick-and-mortar stores.

3. "Gene's Theory" for Timely and Relevant Content

A pivotal concept introduced by Dawe is "Gene's Theory," a strategic approach ensuring that valuable content is presented precisely when customers need it most. This, in turn, enhances the timing and relevance of online content, contributing to a more engaging and satisfying customer journey.

4. Educating and Advising Online Shoppers

Drawing parallels with in-store practices, the presentation emphasised the significance of educating and advising online shoppers about products. By narrating the story behind each item and explaining why it's the right choice, brands have the potential to forge stronger emotional connections with customers in the digital realm.

5. The Art of Product Showcasing

Effective product showcasing emerged as a key element in replicating the in-store experience online. This is particularly vital for luxury brands that may lack physical stores. The session underscored the importance of visually rich, high-quality images and interactive experiences in enabling customers to closely examine products, thereby enhancing the overall e-commerce experience.

6. Caution in Adopting 3D and Augmented Reality Technologies

While discussing the potential of 3D and augmented reality technologies, Dawe recommended a cautious approach. Acknowledging that industry leaders are paving the way, he suggested that addressing initial challenges will pave the way for wider adoption. In the luxury market, the full potential of these technologies may still be on the horizon, implying that a measured and strategic approach is prudent.



Successfully replicating the intimate in-store experience on a website requires a blend of data-driven personalisation, strategic content delivery, and a keen understanding of customer intent. As online retailers strive to raise the bar of the online customer experience, the adoption of these MarTech strategies becomes not just advantageous but imperative in fostering brand affinity and driving e-commerce success. The road to a truly immersive digital shopping experience is paved with innovative MarTech solutions, ensuring that websites become not just transactional platforms but interactive, personalised spaces that resonate with customers on a deeper level.


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